
Showing posts from December, 2016

I Kept My Virginity But Lost My Purity. - Religion

There are so many teachings today about virginity! One guy was telling me the other time how he so much desired to marry a lady that is a virgin like himself, as good as that sounds, it is not the ultimate! I have written a lot about the need to preserve sex for marriage, and wait till you are married before having sex, the truth is that singles should abstain from premarital sex, and the married should abstain from extra-marital affairs, they are not man-made rules, they are commands from God written in the Holy Scriptures! Run from sexual sin! No other sin clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body (1Cor 6:18) and Proverb 6: 32 says But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself. So I’m not in any way undermining the sanctity of virginity! But unfortunately, more emphasis has been laid on virginity at the detriment of purity! Lots of young people believe that virginity and purity are synonymous! Think...

Gaddafi's messages to the world.

Muamar Gaddafi's Prophecies: "I will not go into exile to any foreign country. I was born here in Libya, and I will die here. This country was a dessert, and I turned it into a forest, where everything can grow. No one Love this land more more than its citizens. If Europe and America tells you that they love you, be careful. They love the wealth of your land. The oil and not the people. They are helping you to fight against me but, it will be more wise for you to fight against them because they are fighting against your future and progress. My message to you the people of Libya is, they are helping you to kill me but you will pay the price because you will suffer. And my message to you America and Europe is, you will kill me, but be ready to fight a never ending TERRORISM. Before you realise your ignorance, terrorists will be hitting you at your doorstep." GADDAFI once told the Nigerian and British governments to divide Nigeria into two, so that the Hausa/Fulani (...